Hikurangi Community Dinner

The Hikurangi Business Association and Hikurangi Friendship House would like to invite you to our annual community dinner.  This is an opportunity to come along and meet other locals, listen to the goals for the community for the next year, hear what has been achieved in the last year, and maybe join some new clubs!


Friday 19th November 2021

Hikurangi Bowling Club

From 5pm


Guest speaker: Emily Henderson Labour MP

$20 per head served dinner

RSVP essential by Friday 12th November

RSVP's to admin@hikurangi.co.nz

or 021616755


Due to covid 19 restrictions we will be editing the original plan for the evening.  The event will now be seated and will adhere to social distancing rules.  Our dinner will change from a buffet dinner to a served 3 course meal.  


Invitations are open to all locals, whether you are involved with a community group or sports club, or are a resident, old or young, all are welcome. 


If you are involved in a community group or club there will be time allocated towards the end of the evening where you will have the opportunity to do a short 5 minute presentation/speech if there is anything you wish to inform your local community about.  Current projects, upcoming events, things you need help or support with anything, this is the time and the place to share.  


We hope to see you there!



"Bringing the Hikurangi Community Together"


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