Hikurangi Tennis Club 2021 Summer Season

Our local tennis club is getting ready to open for our upcoming summer season!


Our beloved club is looking at opening up to the public in a variety of ways this summer and we are looking forward to sharing our amazing facility with you!


Working Bee

Our first step is to invite the community to an upcoming working bee where we are looking to tidy up the turf and courts, open up and thoroughly clean the inside of the clubrooms, as hopefully if all goes to plan we would also like to paint the exterior and roof of the clubrooms.  If you are interested in coming along to help us with this general cleanup please do so, we welcome all volunteers.  Our date for this working bee is set at Friday 1st October 2021 from 4pm until whenever it is finished.  If you have any tools or cleaning supplies you would like to bring to help with we would appreciate it.


Open Days

Once our working bee is complete we are wanting to open to the public for 2 open days over the school holidays.  On Thursday 7th October and Thursday 14th October we will open the courts for public access from 2pm to 6pm.  We hope there will be a sausage sizzle available on these days too.  People of all ages are welcome to come along and have a hit around for free.  We recommend bringing your own rackets and balls if you have them but we will have a small amount available to borrow.


Public/Club Sessions

Starting Thursday 21st October will be our regular public/club sessions.  Each Thursday until the 31st March we will open the courts from 4pm onwards for the public to come and play games.  The cost for this is $20 per individual or $30 per family for the season, of which you can attend on any of the Thursdays. 


Private Key Hire

Our facility is also available to hire privately if you wish to have your own key and go to play tennis whenever you like.  The clubrooms are not included in this hire.  You can join up for a key hire any time of year and the costs of key hire depends on what month you join.  Our tennis year runs from April to March so you can book a seasonal key or use the pro-rata system if you join part way through the year.  Keys are available for pickup from the Friendship House office (open Mon/Tue/Thu 9.30-12pm and Fri 9.30-4) located in the Hikurangi Hall on King Street.  There is no eftpos available here so please either bring the correct cash with you or you can make an online payment and show to the office staff whilst collecting your key.  A contract must be filled out and signed before receiving your key, which is available to view/print below and includes the key costs.  Please note your key hire can roll over from year to year if you choose, however the $20 key bond cannot be refunded until the key has been returned to the club.  


Private Hire Contract and Costs CLICK HERE


If you would like to get in touch with the committee of the Hikurangi Tennis Club, you can email tennis@hikurangi.co.nz or stop in to the Friendship House office.  


If you are interested in volunteering to help with tennis as a  supervisor or coach, please contact Vicky on 021 159 3852.

"Bringing the Hikurangi Community Together"


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