Hikurangi is a growing community and in recent years the Hikurangi Business Association has been pushing council to engage with the community to form a spatial plan, which is what is regularly used for suburbs where the infrastructure and future development needs to be considered and developed by council. In around 2019/2020 the HBA was successful in starting a group of volunteers with members engaged from all different community groups within the area and were successful in gaining a space on the local councils Placemaking Plan programme. The council engaged with community over approximately 1-1.5 years and the Hikurangi Placemaking Plan document was produced. This document was the catalyst for the HBA to commit to the ongoing focus on the overarching goals, themes, and projects within the plan and they decided to ask the community to invest in an initiative reflecting this commitment. An administrator for the group was elected to develop their role further to include becoming the "Hikurangi Community Development Coordinator", and three local community groups were approached to see if they would nominate one person from their group to become a member of the CDC Managing Committee. The managing committee was successfully established and seed funding for the role was successfully gained from WDC in 2021. Over the first year a few smaller projects as well as events were focused on, but the task was also to set up an administration framework to ensure the role is set to succeed in various areas of developing the community, including reporting methods etc.
The CDC managing committee is operated as a sub-committee under the HBA as the HBA is the primary employer of the CDC. The CDC committee has 4 members which are individuals nominated to manage the CDC role from local community groups, being the Hikurangi Business Association, Hikurangi Friendship House, Hikurangi Mountain Lions, and the Hikurangi Maori Wardens. Each member participates in a monthly meeting with the CDC where they analyze the previous months work completed by the CDC, and bring forward any projects their group needs the CDC to support with. The managing committee members are responsible with upholding their communication with the public and for bringing forward any public discussions that have been presented at their own meetings. The managing committee members are also responsible for sharing the CDC monthly reports with their committees. New (or returning) managing committee members will be elected at each committees AGM. The managing committee members can be contacted at any time from the public if they have queries or suggestions for the CDC project register.
The CDC Project Register is a document used by the CDC and affiliated groups to keep track of the projects actively being worked on within Hikurangi, where the CDC has some sort of responsibility in ensuring the projects achieve an outcome. As a new project gets assigned to the register, it will get added to the end of the list. The projects are not listed in any order of priority, and are only listed in order of what was assigned first and added to as time goes on. Some projects will be fully publicly available and will encourage ongoing public consultation, other projects will require privacy due to any confidentiality reasons, but will still be listed on the register so the groups and the public are aware the CDC is engaged in the project. A deeper breakdown of the responsibility and a brief summary of each project is listed below:

Project #1: Hikurangi Covid Response Team
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Hikurangi Maori Wardens
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Completed

Project #2: Hikurangi Shuttle Service
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Hikurangi Maori Wardens
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The shuttle project focusses on bringing more support to people in Hikurangi that have travel restrictions between Hikurangi and Whangarei, by bringing a shuttle service that can support with trips to and from town for a koha each way. This service should be operational by mid 2023 and volunteer drivers are currently being sought. The shuttle is set to operate Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Project #3: Hikurangi Link Bus
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Completed

Project #4: Roading Issues
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Multiple
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
There are a number of issues that have been raised amongst various community groups and from the public in previous years the the CDC is following up with the appropriate entities to see what options are around resolutions. You can find the list of issues registered with the CDC below with the blue logos starting with the number 4. The roading issues will be a revolving project where new issues are constantly added and addressed.

Project #5: Northern Entrance Beautification
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Hikurangi Mountain Lions
Key Contact: CDC
Status: On Hold
This project was originally brought to CDC as a follow up from the beautification work that was completed at the Southern entrance. The concept is to make a feature area at the Northern entrance making Hikurangi attractive to passers by, however project 4.10 investigates whether this entrance can be made safer for people exiting Hikurangi heading north. Therefore the beautification project will not commence yet.

Project #6: Sports Hub
Lead Manager: Alex Smits
Collaborating Group: Hikurangi Sports PCG
Key Contact: Alex (alex.smits@raywhite.com)
Status: Ongoing
The Hikurangi Sports Project Control Group have been working alongside WDC and Sport Northland to identify the sporting needs for Hikurangi and develop a vision for a sporting hub located on Park Street. The group has reached the point of drafting a concept plan to present to council to gain seed funding from the WDC 2024 LTP. Further community consultation will take place as the project progresses.

Project #7: Community Cameras/CCTV
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Completed

Project #8: Trail Ride Extension
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The HBA has been running fundraising trail rides in the community and has sought access to a portion of WDC owned land on Gomez Road to extend the trail rides. A proposal was submitted to WDC alongside other proposals from the community to utilize the land. Over time the HBA proposal has adapted from feedback and has been edited into the final version submitted to WDC in 2022, know to HBA as Proposal 4.

Project #9: Skate Park Replacement
Lead Manager: WDC
Collaborating Group: Nil
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The WDC has in previous years prioritized a replacement of the Hikurangi skate park. In 2022 the draft was designed and applicable tests and consents were sought. A budget overspend incurred and the skate park needs a downsize in scope. CDC is engaged with council to seek community input to the redesign and seek options around increasing the budget. A concept photo of the first design draft has been issued to the public.

Project #10: Hikurangi Heritage Trail
Lead Manager: Hikurangi Museum
Collaborating Group: Nil
Key Contact: Hikurangi Museum
CDM Role: Administrative and Funding Support
Status: Removed from HCDC register

Project #11: BNZ Building Upgrade
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The WDC owned old BNZ building has been under utilized for a number of years and WDC approached Friendship House to discuss it's future. An agreement was reached that the building could be gifted to Friendship House if they came up with appropriate community uses for it. Friendship House has since been unable to accept the gifting of the building so the HBA has put a proposal to council for the building to be gifted to them. .

Project #12: Hikurangi Civil Defence
Lead Manager: Cory Haslam
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: Cory (Cory@sureflo.co.nz)
CDM Role: Administration Support
Status: Ongoing
The Hikurangi Civil Defence committee disbanded and the documentation for the processes in a natural disaster was last reviewed in 2012. A new committee has been formed as a sub-committee under Friendship House. The CDC and Chairman have been working with NRC to have the processes updated and the new Hikurangi Civil Defence Plan is complete. The Hikurangi Hall is the primary evacuation base. Cory is available to be contacted during emergencies on 0221915709.
The overall vision and mission for the CDC role is to support (and sometimes lead) projects that have been identified in the community as "wants or needs" that collectively has been agreed should be developed for the betterment of the community. The projects listed in the Placemaking Plan were the first ones identified and look into by the CDC with the opportunity for other projects to be added as they arise within the community. Whilst the Placemaking Plan is a great founding document for the vision of this role, it has been noted by the managing committee that the document will at some point become outdated as the community changes and grows and other projects that may not have been identified in 2021 will come to light. the CDC is available to help any community group with any project they need support with by submitting a "project support request" to the managing committee. The role is identified as being an ongoing need within the community and the goal is to keep it funded and operating long term.

Project #13: Playgroup Proposal
Lead Manager: Lighthouse Playgroup
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
CDM Role: Administration and Research Support
Status: Removed from HCDC register

Project #14: Lake Waro Masterplan
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Hikurangi Mountain Lions
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
As a spin-off to the skate park discussion/project, the Lions have expressed and interest in developing the Waro Lake area to make it more friendly to visitors. An initial brain storm session has been held band the CDC has engaged with the Mountain Lions and WDC to find out what the goals are for this area. It is agreed by those involved that a working group should be set up to identify goals for this area that includes hapu collaboration.

Project #15: Main Strip Streetscape
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
It has been a long term goal of the Hikurangi Business Association to "do up" various aspects of the main business strip in Hikurangi to make it safer and more visually appealing to visitors and locals. The footpaths, lighting, pedestrian crossing, bridge, and signage in this area have all been identified as areas of consideration for upgrades. The goal is to develop a working group to develop a concept plan for this area.

Project #16: Hikurangi Signage
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Multiple Groups
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
Various groups are involved in supporting the need to increase signage within the village as well as have signage on SH1 promoting Hikurangi as a destination worth visiting. A number of signage opportunities have been identified and a local sign writer has worked with CDC to draft some sign options that stick with the Hikurangi heritage theme. The community will be involved with choosing sign themes/designs.

Project #17: Library Upgrades
Lead Manager: Paul Cook
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: Paul (friendship@hikurangi.co.nz)
CDM Role: Administrative and Funding support
Status: Ongoing
The community Library building is an old building in need of many repairs and one of the highest priority repairs in 2022/2023 has been drainage issues on the property that results in regular flooding. With the Friendship House chairman in control of the drainage issues, HCDC will work alongside the Trust to develop future plans for the library building and will complete any administration or organizing tasks required.

Project #18: Shared Footpath/Cycleway
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Not yet started
With the shared path getting extended in Kamo, the HBA has had discussions and agreed that it would be beneficial to Hikurangi if the shared path could be further extended from Springs Flat to Lake Waro. This is a long term vision that has many obstacles to overcome and will take a large amount of funding. The CDC will begin with inquiries in 2023 and share updates with the community as available.
The CDC role is designed to be a centre point of communication between entities and the public whilst having the sole focus of developing projects, initiatives, services, and events within Hikurangi, for the betterment of the community as a whole. All projects will start within a local community group and brain storming and discussions in the early stages of each project that takes place within these groups at their general meetings will be paramount to defining in what capacity the project moves forward in the community. The CDC has developed a draft outline of how projects usually evolve, however this does vary per project and is adaptable to change, dependent on the projects direction and needs. There is always a goal to involve the community via consultation particularly with projects that are in public spaces, effect the public, and are high profile. Consultation will look different in each situation but an outline has been developed by the CDC of the best ways that communication between the CDC role and the public can/will take place. The CDC role is highly dependent on people interested in any of the projects to follow any of the various ways to be kept in the loop with progress and updates, and to take responsibility for communicating any ideas or thoughts in the avenues made available. The CDC managing committee would like to request that people interested in the projects, initiatives, or events being managed by the CDC always check with the CDC or managing group member for the most accurate information on that project where there is any doubt, confusion, or concern within the public.

Welcome to
Project #4.1: Public Parking
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
Public parking in the main business area of the Hikurangi Village has been an issue in Hikurangi for quite some time. With minimal on-street car parking spaces it is not enough to all the incoming visitors and shoppers to have close proximity parks to the shops. Prior to Project #20 being initiated, HBA had been working with local councillors to secure land to develop into carparking. HCDC continues to work with council to address parking issues.
Project #4.2: Footpath Upgrades
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The state of the footpaths in the main business strip of Hikurangi Village have raised severe concerns for a long time. There has been minimal commitment given to this problem and efforts to secure long term investment in the footpaths has been unsuccessful to date. Pedestrians continue to get injured from tripping on the uneven surface. HCDC is working with WDC to secure replacement of footpaths.
Project #4.3: Traffic Calming
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Completed
Project #4.4: Pedestrian Crossing
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The pedestrian crossing in the middle of the village continues to cause safety concerns due to its proximity to car parking spaces and the lack of visibility this causes for oncoming drivers. Suggestions have been made to raise the pedestrian crossing and install visual traffic calming measures to encourage slower travelling through this area. HCDC is working with WDC to identify the correct entity and person responsible for this project.
Project #4.5: SH1 Over-Bridge
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Not Yet Started
The SH1 Over-Bridge has been a topic of discussion amongst residents and businesses as it's current dimensions do not allow large trucks (in particular trucks transporting houses) to pass through. This means extra heavy traffic is required to pass through Hikurangi, which puts stress on and damages the village roads. It has been advised a number of years ago that the bridge is due for replacement, HCDC will work on securing the schedule.
Project #4.6: Disability Parking
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
In around 2020 Friendship House liaised with council about getting disability carparking at the Hikurangi Hall and the Hikurangi Library. Nothing has happened to date and HCDC has been liaising with WDC and NTA to get this parking sorted. NTA is currently awaiting a parking strategy to be approved by council which will allow them to look at parking changes in the Hikurangi village.
Project #4.7: Valley Road Parking
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
Some residents have identified a safety hazard in the traffic movements of vehicles driving on the Valley Road/Marua Road intersection, which is a blind corner where the speed limit changes from 100km to 50km on a downhill slope. With raising queries through NTA it has been confirmed the stretch of road between Belton Place and Marua Road should be a no parking zone for roadside parking. This is scheduled to be remedied.
Project #4.8: Hazardous Surface - Hall Carpark
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Completed
Project #4.9: Street Lights - Park Street
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Completed
Project #4.10: Northern Entrance Restructure
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
Some residents have identified a safety hazard when trying to get onto SH1 from the Northern entrance/exit of Hikurangi, heading north. Due to the increased population increasing traffic on the road, Friendship House has engaged in trying to see if the entrance can be restructured to make it safer for traffic exiting Hikurangi. It is recommended for traffic to utilize View Road, Boundary Road, and Cinder Way to get onto SH1 to head north.
Project #4.11: Lake Waro Road
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The potholes in both the tarseal and gravel roads leading to Lake Waro have become an obvious hazard and obstacle to anyone wanting to visit the lake. HCDC has requested from WDC that a short term fix is initiated ASAP, an ongoing maintenance plan is developed, and a long term sealing/traffic calming plan is also developed. In June 2023 WDC resolved to implement the immediate fix request, HCDC to continue to push for further action.
Project #4.12: Rural Gravel Roads
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Not Yet Established
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
An individual who lives rurally in Hikurangi district has been working towards council taking ownership of better management of rural gravel roads, which are often in a bad state. Local council has requested HCDC engage with this project to ensure consistent communication and ongoing focus to achieve desirable results. HCDC will liaise with the initiating individual and continue to support better management of gravel roads.
Project #7.2: CCTV Year 1 Additions
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The HBA have been working with local police to discuss the next set of upgrades to the CCTV system and the funding has a portion available in year 1 to add further security cameras into the system. HBA has considered blind spots in Hikurangi and worked with police to identify high crime zones, and pending quotes and accessibility, options for cameras to be installed on George St, View Rd, and Alfred St are being investigated.
Project #16.1: SH1 Destination Signs
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
HBA has identified that SH1 isn't overly welcoming for travellers on SH1, and wants to encourage them to visit Hikurangi and feel welcome when driving through the district. Three locations have been identified as ideal sites for signs to be placed. Three sign trailers have been loaned for this project. The Concept Draft is available, however the final design is not yet complete and will seek public feedback before being finalised.
Project #16.2: SH1 Event Signs
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
As part of the HBA sign projects, they identified the need for better communications for Hikurangi district residents who don't reside in the village to be kept up to date with upcoming event details. A series of ground-based signs has been developed to advertise upcoming events along SH1 and on main roads within Whangarei, Concept Draft here. It was suggested Friendship House is the right group to engage with this project.
Project #16.3: Library Relplacement Sign
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The sign on the front of the library building is peeling off and is in need of replacement. A sign writer looked into sign options and produced a draft of and era-specific sign that would be effective visually. The design was presented to Friendship House who owns the building, and it was agreed to try and theme the sign with other heritage buildings in the village. The Concept Draft of the sign is available and matches Hikurangi Hall.
Project #16.4: Waro Sign Replacement
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The HBA has noticed the condition of the Waro Lake sign has deteriorated and become unpleasant viewing. With fading and holes in the sign it is not an ideal representation of this landmark location. A sign writer has designed a modern sign from railway sleepers which allows text to be written outlining the features in the area. The concept draft of the sign is not currently available whilst background designs are still being drafted.
Project #16.5: Wayfinding Sign - Hikurangi Park
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
As an initiative to encourage visitors to Hikurangi to visit local places of interest, a sign has been drafted to be placed in the Hikurangi Park on King St next to the hall to outline which places can be visited and which direction they are in. Some samples are the Hikurangi Museum, Hikurangi Library, Lake Waro etc. A Concept Draft of the sign is available for viewing however the background design is not completed, but will match project #16.4.
Project #16.6: Village Event Signs
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
As a way to help inform local community members about upcoming events, two lots of double sided event boards have been created to position at each end of Hikurangi to advertise upcoming community events. The locations are yet to be determined as any roadside signs require significant planning and permissions before construction. A Concept Draft is available for viewing however the background design is not completed, as per #16.4.
Project #16.7: Services Open Sign - Library
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The Hikurangi Library often has various pop up services available to the public and to date has used a chalk board on the footpath to advertise when a special service is occurring. This is a difficult system for the volunteers to manage so a smaller, more effective, user friendly, interchangeable sign has been drafted. The Concept Draft is available for viewing however please keep in mind the panels are interchangeable.
Project #16.8: Website 4SQ QR Advert
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Completed
Project #16.9: Civil Defence Sign
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Completed
Project #16.10: Anti Litter Signs
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
As part of HBA's ongoing commitment to the "Keep NZ Beautiful" initiative, HBA has noted the need for some anti litter signs located at various areas within the district. With 8 signs drafted, the Concept Draft is yet to have the background design confirmed. There are intentions for 2 signs to go at Lake Waro, 1 at Hikurangi Park, 1 at Hikurangi Sports Grounds, and 4 along Marua Rd (Twin Coast Discovery Route).
Project #16.11: Business Welcome Signs
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
HCDC came up with an idea to provide themed footpath signage for shop frontages as a way to beautify the village centre. A Concept Draft was developed and presented to HBA to see if they wanted to engage, with no commitment made to date. The project has been put on hold to readdress and get final stance on the concept at a later date.
Project #16.12: Museum Large Sign
Lead Manager: Hikurangi Museum
Collaborating Group: Hikurangi Museum
Key Contact: Lisa hikurangimuseum@gmail.com
CDC Role: Communication Support
Status: Ongoing
As part of Friendship House's Library Sign Project #16.3, the Hikurangi Museum is also looking into sign replacement options for the front of their heritage buildings. HCDC has connected museum committee members with a sign writer and options are being investigated and drafted. HCDC is not directly involved with the outcome of signage decisions but has offered to put the Museum sign projects on the HCDC register for fluidity of projects with themed signs for the sign writer to work towards.
Project #16.13: Museum Large Sign
Lead Manager: Hikurangi Museum
Collaborating Group: Hikurangi Museum
Key Contact: Lisa hikurangimuseum@gmail.com
CDC Role: Communication Support
Status: Removed from HCDC registe
Project #16.14: BNZ Building Sign
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Nil
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
In anticipation of project #11 being approved and going ahead, HCDC has seen an opportunity to link the heritage BNZ with other heritage buildings within Hikurangi which are currently the focus of sign replacements. If the Friendship House proposal is to go ahead, the HCDC intends to take any draft design for a sign for this building to Friendship House to see if they wish to align road frontage sign with any themed concept for the library and museum and hall buildings. This is still only at concept stage.
Project #16.15: Museum Footpath Sign
Lead Manager: Hikurangi Museum
Collaborating Group: Hikurangi Museum
Key Contact: Lisa hikurangimuseum@gmail.co
CDC Role: Communication Support
Status: Ongoing
Hikurangi Museum has expressed an interest in gaining new footpath signage and has opted to look into a shared theme for footpath signs as per project #16.7. HCDC has connected museum committee members with a sign writer and options are being investigated and drafted. HCDC is not directly involved with the outcome of signage decisions but has offered to put the Museum sign projects on the HCDC register for fluidity of projects with themed signs for the sign writer to work towards.
Project #16.16: Museum QR Codes
Lead Manager: Hikurangi Museum
Collaborating Group: Hikurangi Museum
Key Contact: Lisa hikurangimuseum@gmail.co
CDC Role: Communication Support
Status: Ongoing
Hikurangi Museum has inquired about getting a series of QR codes produced as part of the heritage trail concept project #10. HCDC has connected museum committee members with a sign writer and options are being investigated and drafted. HCDC is not directly involved with the outcome of signage decisions but has offered to put the Museum sign projects on the HCDC register for fluidity of projects with themed signs for the sign writer to work towards.

Project #19: Shade at Park
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Yet to be determined
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Not yet started
The HCDC has received requests from locals to look into getting shade in place above the eating areas at Hikurangi Park, next to the hall. Without a leading group to work under, the HCDC has contacted the Hikurangi Mountain Lions to see if they would like to lead this project with the administration and support from HCDC. HCDC to monitor and keep an eye on over the coming weeks.
Project #20: Community Housing
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Completed
Our Community Development Coordinator is Sharlene Morris-Ross who has resided in Marua for over 15 years. With a background in administration and a strong history of volunteering at various facilities and events in Hikurangi, she has naturally evolved into the area of community development as a paid contractor. Sharlene is a mother of 4 and has a strong passion for developing areas in Hikurangi that benefit families and youth. Sharlene has an office based out of the Hikurangi Community Library where appointments can be made for anyone to visit her and discuss anything around community development or events in the Hikurangi district. Sharlene is contactable daily via her email admin@hikurangi.co.nz or via text/call on her mobile 021616755. Check out the poster below for a quick view of the HCDC role:

Name: Wayne Fowell
Community Group Representing: Hikurangi Business Association
Community Involvement: Trail Ride Extension sub-committee, Hikurangi Xmas Parade participant, Hikurangi Fireworks organizer, Hikurangi Community Dinner organizer, KNZB Cleanup volunteer, Hikurangi Matariki Volunteer, regular sponsor
Contact: fowellwayne@yahoo.co.nz

Name: Bruce Eade
Community Group Representing: Hikurangi Mountain Lions
Community Involvement:
Contact: b_eade@hotmail.com

Name: Maryann Vogt
Community Group Representing: Hikurangi Maori Wardens
Community Involvement: Shuttle driver, security at local events, Hikurangi Trail Ride volunteer
Contact: maryann_vogt@hotmail.com
Name: Virginia Guy
Community Group Representing: Hikurangi Friendship House
Community Involvement: Owner of the art station, Hikurangi Museum committee

Name: Jodi Edwards
Representing: Hikurangi School
Role: Project Advisor
Community Involvement:
Contact: principal@hikurangi.school.nz

Name: Vicky Humphreys
Representing: Hikurangi Community Administrator
Role: Administration Support
Community Involvement: Hikurangi Friendship House Treasurer &Trustee, Hikurangi Parade participant, Trail Ride Extension sub-committee, Children's Lighthouse Playgroup Treasurer, Hikurangi Easter Event organizer, Hikurangi Library Manager & Volunteer, Hikurangi Seed Library Founder & Manager, Hikurangi Website Apps Administrator
Contact: info@hikurangi.co.nz
Project #4.13: Jordan St Kerb/Channel
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Not Yet Established
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
Local residents in the Jordan Street area have advised that the lack of kerbing and chanelling on this road leads to significant flooding issues on their properties during times of heavy rain fall. The HCDC will work with a local community group to address these issues with council and try to get adequate water drainage installed along Jordan Street.
Project #21: George St/Clark St Alleyway
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The HCDC has received requests from locals to look into getting the alleyway between George St and Clark Streets fixed as it is hazardous to walk through. The footpath has been uprooted in areas and the fences are falling down. HBA intends to conduct a review of how to fix the alleyway and whether work needs to be completed here by council.
Project #22: Dog Bylaw and Rules
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
The Whangarei District Dog Bylaw was recently reviewed and with the ongoing issue of wandering dogs within Hikurangi noted, Friendship House is going to work with the Hikurangi Lions to make it public notice as to where the off-leash dog zones are within the Hikurangi village. This may include installation of signs and painted notifications on footpaths in on-leash zone areas.
Project #23: Community Vision
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
With the Placemaking Plan completed and a large volume of projects set to take place in Hikurangi, it has been noted that there is no vision for the future of the village for all the projects to align with. It is the intention of the HCDC to work with the local community groups and to engage with the community to build a community vision that outlines what the desire is for Hikurangi to look like, feel like, and to achieve in the coming years.
Project #24: Mens Shed
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: HBA
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
A couple of members of the Whangarei Mens Shed have come to HBA to seek support in starting a Mens Shed in Hikurangi. With a location/facility yet to be secured, the hope is that a group of interested peoples will come together to progress the group and start the initial setup so operations can begin. The Mens Shed is for men or women who want to share their hobbies and work on projects together, however men and women will have separate days/times to use the facility once set up.
Project #24: Hikurangi Care
Lead Manager: Vicky Humphreys
Collaborating Group: Friendship House
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
With the Friendship House Library building being untenanted the Trust has decided to explore options relating to putting holistic health care services within the rear of the building. The HCDC role will be to liaise with the key organizers of this initiative and to support as required by taking responsibility for investigating and securing any social service providers who may like to utilise the space available.
Project #25: Toy Library
Lead Manager: CDC
Collaborating Group: Lighthouse Playgroup
Key Contact: CDC
Status: Ongoing
Lighthouse Playgroup is looking at starting a Toy Library on Monday mornings from their facility as a way to share their resources with the community. The HCDC will be responsible for stocktaking the resources, sorting them into sets for hire, and creating the catalogue. The Toy Library aims to be open from mid February and is aimed at children under the age of 6.