UPDATE: 11 September 2020
A group of community sports club members have had a meeting where a sports hub or sportsville model has been introduced and discussed. Clubs will discuss ideas and options at their next meetings and bring feedback to the next Sports Community Meeting.
September Meeting Minutes: CLICK HERE
NEXT MEETING: MONDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2020 7PM VENUE: Hikurangi Bowling Club
UPDATE: 21 October 2020
The last meeting was based around a "working better together collaboratively" and this was recognised as an important aspect to the future of sport in Hikurangi. The focus of the next meeting is: purpose, MOU's, Visions, Goals - What do we think collaboration should look like for clubs in Hikurangi?
UPDATE: 13 November 2020
The latest Sports Collective meeting has recently been held and the general discussion was based around the continuation of the "sportville" model and a proposed timetable for how this looks to develop over the coming months. Find the relevant details below:
Meeting Minutes: October 2020 CLICK HERE
Proposed Timeline: CLICK HERE
NEXT MEETING: Monday 23rd November, 6PM, VENUE: Hikurangi Rugby Club
UPDATE: 2 December 2020
The latest Sports Collective meeting differed from the agenda of addressing and discussing the proposed timeline. Instead, discussions took place around the future of sports in Hikurangi and what this looks like for the clubs, volunteers, committees, and clubrooms/venue's etc. A general consensus was reached that a new sporting facility is sought for Hikurangi and the various clubs need to be involved and motivated to bring that to reality. It was agreed to take a break over summer and to hold the next meeting in February with the request that at least one member from each sports club attend, and the goal is to set up a steering committee to progress the proposed plans for both the sports facility and club connectiveness. The invitation statement is as follows:
"The Hikurangi Sports Coalitions requests all sports and community groups to come together to develop a long term sports strategy, with a vision to build a new sports facility, and increase sporting opportunities within the urban and rural Hikurangi district. Our goals also include increased funding improved volunteer support, and effective communication".
Meeting Minutes: November 2020 CLICK HERE
Next Meeting: Monday 22nd February 6pm @ Hikurangi Rugby Club
The Hikurangi Sports Collective would like to become a formal steering group with the following purpose:
The Hikurangi Sports Collective requests all sports and community groups to come together to develop a long-term sports strategy, with a vision to build a new sports facility, and to increase sporting opportunities within the urban and rural Hikurangi district. Our goals also include increased funding, improved volunteer support, and effective communication.
If you are an individual in our community and you see the value in our purpose, please let us know that you will be attending the next meeting. If you are a club member then please discuss with your club, the need to send a delegate. If you would like more information, please contact Ryan Maraki, Sport Northland. 027 588 5867
Next Meeting: Monday 3 May 2021, 7pm @ Rugby Club.
UPDATE: 12 MAY 2021
The Hikurangi Sports Collective has met to engage members of the working party and to discuss moving forward.
Poster from May meeting CLICK HERE
Next Meeting: Wednesday 26 May 2021, 7pm @ Bowling Club.
UPDATE: 27 MAY 2021
The members of the Sports Collective have met to confirm the terms of engagement and get the working party to an understanding of what is required of them and what they are hoping to achieve during their commitment to the ongoing role. It is important to note that the working party's role is to do the background work establishing the need for the sports opportunities/facilities in Hikurangi district to be reviewed and potentially upgraded, and eventually the working party will likely set up a formal Trust or other Governing Group to take over the project when the initial research etc has been completed and a plan/vision has been formed.
May meeting minutes: CLICK HERE
Next Meeting: Wednesday 23 June 2021 7pm @ Bowling Club.
UPDATE: 30 JUNE 2021
This meeting focused on identifying the overarching foal of the working party, being "to explore the development of a sports and community facility to serve the greater Hikurangi region". A time line was developed and specific goals issued to members to achieve before the next meeting, to insure progress moves forward.
June meeting minutes: CLICK HERE
Next meeting: Thursday 22 July 2021 7pm@ Bowling Club.
The working party has not met for a while, July meeting was cancelled due to chariman and secretary illness, and September meeting was cancelled due to covid restrictions. However Alex and Ryan have been in contact with/met up with Trevor Griffiths who manages projects like sports hubs in his daily work. With his wealth of experience and knowledge we are extremely lucky to have had Trevor attend our September meeting and guide us further with this project.
Trevor has given us great insight into the process of completing this kind of project. He has said usually projects like this can take up to 10 years to complete. He is happy to continue to engage with this project and has recommended the next step to be to look into funding to engage a professional needs analysis expert so the needs of the community can be explored. Trevor has recommended Fay Freeman and Ryan will look into costs to engage her and funds that can be applied for to cover costs.
September meeting minutes: CLICK HERE
Next meeting: Monday 18 October 7pm via zoom.
The zoom meeting was brief and the discussion focussed around engaging Fay to do a needs analysis for a sports hub model. Alex has spoken to Hikurangi Friendship House Charitable Trust who are willing to hold any funds that come in to cover the cost of the needs analysis. Appropriate documentation to be drafted by next meeting to comply with engaging Fay, applying for funding for Fay's costs, and to have MoU in place between sports collective and Friendship House as fund holders.
October meeting outcomes: CLICK HERE
Next Meeting: Monday 8 November 2021 7pm @ Golf Club.
The working party has met and discussed current status and looking at how to complete a funding application to engage Fay. Ryan has made contact with WDC to query application details, and WDC has agreed to cover costs of the needs analysis. Moving forward Christmas/New Year season is almost upon us so things may slow down over summer, however we hope to come back in 2022 ready to procedd with needs analysis.
Next meeting: Tuesday 25 January 7pm @ Bowling Club.
Due to Fay being engaged and WDC covering costs of her needs analysis, this meeting was a public one so the community can attend and put their wants/needs/thoughts forwards.
Live stream of public meeting can be found HERE
Briefing paper of focus of analysis can be found HERE
Link to public survey can be found HERE closing date 16th April
Next meeting: 20 April 7pm @ Hikurangi Hall
hikurangi sports club collective

Back in March (pre-lockdown) Sport Northland held a meeting in the Memorial Hall to discuss potential projects in the Hikurangi community. There was discussion around a Sports Hub and a few smaller projects in the community. But in general it was agreed that a collective way forward was important.
"clubs working better together to provide more/better opportunities for the community"
I’d like to hold another meeting to continue to look at ways in which clubs could work together across common areas, some examples: Calendar alignment, reciprocal social event support, combined memberships, combined applications for funding, sharing of resources.
UPDATE: 20 August 2020
This is what you have told us in the last 18 months. Is this accurate? Is this what You want to do in YOUR community? How can you make it happen? WHO wants to get on board? WHO wants to help make these things happen? Is there anything happening now that's now on this list? Here's what you've said so far: