Hikurangi Christmas Festival and Parade
Hikurangi Christmas Festival and Parade is back for another year!
This year things are a bit different this year, firstly we have moved our date so we don't coincide with the Whangarei A&P show. Our date this year is Saturday 11th December!
Our stage entertainment will be invited community groups and we will be hosting the market stalls as usual. In addition to the market stalls, we are hosting a Christmas Harvest Competition. There will be an over 18 and under 18 section for each category, with categories as follows:
Best tasting:
- Jam
-Chutney or pickle
-Most unusual combination of the above, eg: apple and chilli jelly etc.
Best edible bouquet:
This can be made with fruit, vegetables, edible flowers, herbs, and edible weeds.
Best animal creation
This can be made out of fruit and/or vegetables.
Tastiest backyard fruit.
Wonkiest fruit or vegetable.
Biggest tomato.
As well as all the pre-parade entertainment and fun, which starts at the Hikurangi hall at 9am, we will of course be having our annual parade, which we hope this year will be bigger and better than ever before! As usual the parade will start at the school, go down King Street and around the Church Street/Alfred Street loop, and back up King Street ending at the school. The parade will start at midday and finish around 1pm. If you are wanting to register a float, click here and download the registration form and return to Arlene@tiaho.org.nz