Hikurangi Meet the Candidates Evening

Every local election the Hikurangi Business Association hosts a "meet the candidates" evening in the Hikurangi War Memorial Hall, located next to the playground on King Street. The evening begins at 6pm and all speeches etc must be kept within a pre-determined time limit.
Local candidates standing for the Whangarei District Council Mayor as well as the Hikurangi Coastal Ward are invited along to give a speech and to be available to answer questions from the public. Candidates from the Northland Regional Council standing in the Coastal North Ward are also invited to attend this evening.
If you wish an HBA member to ask a question on your behalf, you can email it to admin@hikurangi.co.nz.
The evening will be live streamed if you are unable to attend the event in person, please look out for the link on the Hikurangi Business Association facebook page.
The flyer below will be available on the August Hikurangi Bulletin which lists all the need-to-know details.