Hikurangi CDM Role
Throughout the last few years HBA has been working hard on a number of projects within Hikurangi that are focused on developing the overall community. Throughout the ongoing hard work, consideration was given to Hikurangi to complete a spatial plan, and in 2020 were granted the opportunity to participate in the Placemaking Plan process.
Throughout this process WDC engaged with the community to develop a vision that will see Hikurangi grow and thrive in future years. The plan includes goals and projects that are both short term and long term. After all the hard work was done and the Placemaking Plan was developed into a visual document, HBA decided to seek the continuation of commitment to the long term vision for Hikurangi by creating a role within the local community groups, knows as the Community Development Manager.
Three of the most engaged community groups were consulted by HBA and all agreed to participate alongside them in the management and development of the role. HBA sought and was granted seed funds from WDC in 2021 to engage a development manager, and the role has been funded by another community funding provider to continue throughout 2022 and 2023.
The governing committee is made up of one representative from HBA, Friendship House, Maori Wardens, and Mountain Lions. the committee meet monthly and operate as a sub-committee under HBA, as the HBA is the primary employer due to being the funding applicant. The management group continues to manage the role, discussing and deciding what work is focused on by the CDM in accordance with projects that are of importance to their community groups and the work they provide for the community.
All projects being worked on are added to the CDM's "Project Register" as they commence. You can find a copy of the CDM's Project Register below, which is current to January 2023. To see all updates to the register please visit the facebook page "Hikurangi Community Development".
Alongside projects in the community, the CDM also manages a variety of events and oversees the ongoing development of the Hikurangi website. The CDM also has a number of local roading issues on the "Roading Planner" list to look into and progress in 2023. In total, as at the beginning of 2023, the CDM is managing 17 projects, 6 events, and 10 roading issues, some have commenced and some are yet to be started. There is a general expectation that more projects will be added to the agenda throughout the year, which may lead to further growth of the CDM role.
The CDM is open to communications about all of the projects or events registered under the CDM role. If you wish to engage with the CDM about any developments, please do so via the following ways:
Email: admin@hikurangi.co.nz
Mobile: 021616755
Free Phone: 0800 114 981
Facebook: Hikurangi CDM