The Hikurangi Business Association has been aware of a potential housing development proposed for 20 King Street since August 2022 however with an application for resource consent within council it is now the time for the Hikurangi Community to step forward and have a say about whether this development is wanted in the village centre.
The HBA filed this request/opposition with council to oppose the proposed development for community housing located at 20/22 King St.
HBA members passed at their meeting on 14th of June to formally oppose the recently submitted resource consent application, on the basis it doesn’t fit with the heritage and character of the village as outlined as a priority goal within the WDC Hikurangi Placemaking Plan. The proposed housing would also raise a number of other concerns for the community.
HBA has requested the resource consent application go to public notification so the community members get a say as to whether this is supported or opposed within the community.
As pointed out in other posts on the Hikurangi Community Page, HBA has been aware of this possible development for some time. To clarify facts, the topic was first raised at the August 2022 meeting. Details of who the purchaser was nor what the accurate intent was for development was unable to be obtained. Over the following months various entities have been contacted and inquiries made as to who was purchasing and for what purpose. Some locals have had better luck gaining information through personal contacts however none of this was fact checked or led to any conclusive actions being able to be taken.
Now a resource consent has been officially filed HBA is actioning opposition for community housing being built on this site, but does not oppose the housing being located elsewhere off the main street in Hikurangi.
HBA requests anyone wanting to oppose the development to also contact council with your opposition and/or request for resource consent to go to public notification for community feedback.
Other methods of opposing the development will remain in discussion and will be advised to the public when appropriate.
To oppose this application you can email the following contacts direct:
To sign the petition CLICK HERE