Gavin Benney - Running for NZ First 2023
In the last week Gavin Benney, current councillor with WDC for the Hikurangi Ward, has announced his campaign to run in the upcoming election 2023.
"Northland deserves better representation, let's take back our country!"
We thought the Hikurangi locals in particular might have some questions about what this means. So we've asked some initial questions, and encourage everyone to attend the upcoming public meeting to hear the campaign outline and ask any questions.
How will running for NZ First effect your role in council prior to election date?
I will still keep my council role. It just means I have to work twice as hard for the next 2 months.
If you are successful in the election, what does it mean for your position on council?
If I am lucky enough to be successful I would resign from my council role. I want to add that I believe I will be much more effective in Wellington advocating for the region.
If you leave council, what will that mean for the Hikurangi Ward vacant councillor position?
If I was successful and resigned, a by-election would be taken to fill the spot.
Are there costs incurred to rate payers or council if you leave council?
The costs of a by-election are in the vicinity of $25,000.
What are your primary objectives in standing for NZ First? What specifics are you hoping to achieve?
My primary reason for standing is that I am sick of the crime in Northland. Violent crime and property offences are out of control. When I was in Hikurangi last week two people told me they were moving to the South Island to get away from here. Police are leaving in their droves and they are crying out for leadership.
What voting constituent will you be based in?
I am running in the Whangarei electorate which includes Hikurangi township and some of the rural area.
Where can the public go to follow your campaign as it progresses?
I will be regularly posting on my "Gavin Benney (Sarge)" facebook page and attending as many public meetings as I can.