Hikurangi civil Defence Plan
The Hikurangi Civil Defence Plan is now live and active and we are asking all Hikurangi residents to become familiar with it and learn the process of what we do locally in a natural disaster when an evacuation is required.
Our primary evacuation base for Hikurangi is the Hikurangi War Memorial Hall (also known as the town hall) located at 24 King Street. However, we are aware in the past the town hall has been inaccessible during some floods therefore we have created a plan that allows for alternate evacuation bases to be opened upon request should the need arise for them to be used.
We have divided Hikurangi into 4 zones and we ask all residents to get familiar with the map and learn where their nearest evacuation base is.
The Civil Defence Plan can be found HERE, under the H section of the page. Please read this carefully paying particular attention to page 9 which shows the zoned areas and outlines the nearest evacuation base for that area.
Please do remember the primary evacuation base for everyone is the town hall, however if this is inaccessible you can contact the Hikurangi Civil Defence chairman Cory Haslam on 022 191 5709 to request another evacuation base be opened for you. These backup evacuation bases will not automatically open during an emergency, they will only be opened upon request if the need for their use is confirmed.
Below you will find the quick guide to a local emergency evacuation. We can provide printed copies of these along with a colour copy of the zoning map for you from the Friendship House office (currently located in the town hall but will be moving to the library building in the first half of 2024) at a cost of $3.