Hikurangi Sports Hub Committee Recruitment
The Hikurangi Sports Hub project was initiated by Sport Northland in 2020 as a response to a growing need for better sports facilities in the district. Contact with local sporting clubs and other interested parties saw the creation of a Project Control Group being formed with the intention of investigating the needs and feasibility of a regional sports hub being developed in Hikurangi.
Four years later, the project is at the stage where a Sports Hub has been identified as a need for the Hikurangi regional area and the brainstorming has been taking place as to what that might look like, physically as well as operationally. With support from Sport Northland and Whangarei District Council, the next step of the process is to recruit a formal committee who will manage the remainder of the development.
Under the guidance of Sport Northland, an Appointments Panel is currently being formed and the first AGM of the Society will be held in November 2024, ready for Incorporated Society registration before the end of 2024.
The Project Control Group is currently seeking applications from people wanting to hold seats on this committee.
To read the Constitution of the Society please click HERE.
A draft plan to support the new Committee with it's next steps has been developed and can be read HERE. This is a working document that will change as further learning and planning takes place.
For further inquiries about the Sports Hub please email sports@hikurangi.co.nz or contact the Project Control Group Chairman Alex on 0212736975